
Self-evaluation questionnaire for teachers 

April 27 2023
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This tool will help you to evaluate your professional practice. The results obtained will give you insight into your level of acquisition of the 13 professional competencies and the 3 types of knowledge that underlie the act of teaching. The self-evaluation can then guide you in choosing professional development activities that best meet your needs.


The questionnaire consists of 78 multiple-choice questions, divided into 4 sections. As teachers in general education in the youth sector can work in preschool, elementary or secondary school, some questions may need to be contextualized.

To ensure that the results of this self-evaluation best reflect your professional practice and are as useful as possible, it is advised that you take the time necessary to answer all questions accurately.

This questionnaire is anonymous. No information will be linked back to you; your results will be kept strictly confidential.

Please allow about 15 minutes to complete it.

Click here to access the self-evaluation